Year 3 reading expectations - end of year 

Word Reading


Attitude to reading

Understand and Interpret

Structure & Language

Purpose and context

Read a range of high frequency words on sight.

Use evidence from texts to make simple, plausible inferences e.g. how a character is feeling, why things happen, etc. 

Identify some simple features of organisation, e.g. beginnings and endings, headings, types of punctuation.

Discuss what they have learnt from their reading.

Increase their familiarity with a wider range of books myths and legends.

Read accurately new words of two or more syllables that they encounter in the books they read applying what they know using root words, suffixes and prefixes

Teaching to include: mis, dis, in, il, ir, ly

Predict what might happen from details stated and implied in the text. 

Use titles, headings, sub-headings and indexes to locate information. 

Say the main purpose of a text, e.g. ‘it tells you how to make something’. 

Learn short poems by heart.

Recognise some different forms of poetry (e.g. free verse, narrative poetry) 

Take account of basic punctuation (full stops, speech marks etc.) to read with fluency and expression (pauses, voices etc.) in most of their reading.

Recall the central ideas, facts or events from longer texts or from different parts of a text, e.g. names of characters, main ingredients, etc.

Comment on some effective language choices.

Show an understanding of writer’s viewpoints, e.g. “she thinks it’s not fair.’

Prepare poems and play scripts to read aloud, controlling pace and volume so that the meaning is clear.

Continue to develop knowledge of common exception words, noting unusual correspondence between spelling and sound and where these occur in the word. Eg. Many, could 

Ask questions to make sense of an unfamiliar text

Compare stories and poems to identify simple similarities and differences, e.g. good defeating evil.

Make simple statements about what they like and don’t like about specific texts or in reading generally.

Identify the general features of a range of different text types, e.g. information books, stories, print media. 

Talk about a range of different types of texts, e.g. newspapers, information books, poems etc.

Show some awareness that books are set in different times and places. 

Identify recurring themes and elements in different stories and poetry (e.g. good triumphing over evil, magical devices).


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