Learning Journey

Broad Learning Intention


Revision: Greetings

I am learning to say how I feel in French.

I can ask basic questions in French.

Practising asking and answering questions with a partner.

Learning the names of 6 family members in French.

I am learning to say 6 family members in French.

Listen to phrases my teacher calls out and play games to practice.

Recognise some patterns in spellings of these new French words

Learning to build sentences about family members.

I am learning to write a simple sentence about my family.

Applying correct French word order in a sentence.

Writing about my family.

I am learning to create my own sentences about my family members.

Write simple sentences to describe my family.

Revising the days of the week and learning the months.

I am learning the months to be able to say when my birthday is and how old I am.

Use familiar vocabulary to say simple sentences using a language scaffold, including given sentence starters.

Preparing a short paragraph about me and my family.

I am learning to write 3 or 4 simple sentences introducing myself and my family.

Write simple familiar short phrases from memory with understandable accuracy.

Birthday and birthday party I am learning how to say when my birthday is.

Write simple sentences to say when my birthday is.

I can answer a question about my birthday.


Presenting a short introduction about me and my family.

I am introducing my family to my class. Describing my family orally.

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