Pupil Wellbeing

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Wellbeing is about looking after your physical and mental health. The things that we do and the way that we think affects our wellbeing and there are five ways that can help boost this. Each of these actions makes a positive difference to how we feel, being aware of and combining these will make a difference:


1. Connect – with your friends and family. Phone or video call a family member, write a letter to a friend and post it through their door when on your daily exercise.


2. Be Active – find a physical activity that you enjoy. Go for a walk, ride your bike or join in with the exercise on your timetables. You could also try Action Arena or Vibes with Vokes. Have a look at the Stay Active section of the website for more ideas.


3. Take Notice – take the time to look at the day, the changing seasons, pay attention to how you are feeling, try some mindfulness exercises which you can find in the Mindfulness section below.


4. Keep Learning – try something new - complete your home learning, learn a dance routine or learn how to bake with an adult at home.


5. Give – smile, do something nice for a friend or neighbour, make some time for others.



Click on the links below to find out more about Wellbeing support available at school, Online Wellbeing lessons and useful wellbeing resources for parents to use at home:

Well being Wednesday icon    Wellbeing resources 
school well being support icon Mindfulness

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