Year 4 reading expectations - end of year

Word Reading


Attitude to reading

AF2 & 3

Understand and Interpret

AF4 & 5

Structure & Language

AF 6 & 7

Purpose and context

Read with fluency and understanding.

Recall and summarise the main ideas, facts or events from several different parts of a text.


Discuss words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and imagination.

Identify the main purpose of whole texts and identify the writer’s overall viewpoint, e.g. ‘it’s about how to keep healthy,’ ‘the author thinks smoking is bad’ etc.

Discuss a wide range of fiction, poetry, non-fiction and reference books or textbooks.

Use a range of appropriate strategies to decode unfamiliar words (phonic blending, root-word recognition, contextual clues, common spelling patterns etc.).

Make simple inferences based on a single point of reference in the text and give a reason, e.g. ‘he was upset because it says “he was crying”.

Use their understanding of the text to make plausible predictions.

Identifying a few basic language choices (without comment) e.g. ‘there are lots of adjectives.’

Using titles, headings, sub-headings and indexes to locate information


Give reasons to explain or justify what they like or dislike about specific texts.


Talk about authors they know and comment on their work.


Read further exception words, noting the unusual correspondences between spelling and sound, and where these occur in the word.

Identify a few basic features of text organisation and indicate their purpose, e.g. ‘this section tells about all the different things you can do at the zoo’, ‘the caption says what is happening in the picture.’

Identifying and comment on a range of different types of texts, e.g. newspapers, information books, poems etc.


Increase their familiarity with a wide range of texts and books, including short novels, newspapers and simple non-fiction books.


Read with fluency and understanding.

Use a range of appropriate strategies to decode unfamiliar Take account of a range of punctuation (commas, question marks, exclamation marks) to read with expression (appropriate pauses, inflections, changes of volume, etc.)

Identifying some familiar patterns of language e.g.

once upon a time; first, next, last.

Compare stories and poems to identify simple similarities and differences, e.g. their main features, basic purpose, simple themes.

Learn longer poems by heart.

Prepare poems and play scripts to read aloud, using appropriate intonation and controlling tone and volume so that the meaning is clear.

Recognise and explore some different forms of poetry (e.g. free verse, narrative poetry).


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